Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My JavaFX Contest Entry Part IV

The Equipment:

Monkey with Hammer
Place this fellow on a vertical beam (click on any vertical beam) and set his timer. He will hang onto the beam diligently until his timer goes off, and then begin whacking on the beam with all of his heart. Monkeys will hammer until the beam breaks and then, once their job is finished, they will disappear into the voids of the building. One of monkey's hammering away at the structure will create building sway which can ultimately be used to force a building to fall certain direction (sorry, all monkeys used in the game are right handed and can only hammer from the left). Right click on the beam (or just click again) to get your money back and send him back to the pet store.

Laser Clamp Place this on a vertical beam and set the timer. The clamp will emit a cutting laser that will fire into the beam until it breaks. These are clean cuts that cause no building sway at all. Note that different density and thickness of materials will cause the laser to take longer or shorter periods of time to cut through. Once again, Right click on the beam (or just click again) to get your money back and remove the clamp.

Giant Beach Ball Click on any open area to determine the vertical path of this vinyl sphere of destruction. When it's timer expires, the ball will fall from on-high along it's positioned vertical path, reigning destruction along the way. Actually, air filled beach balls do little damage, bounce a lot and really get in the way of the other equipment. But they sure are fun (and cheap)!! Once deployed they can be dragged to a new position (before the main destruction timer is started) or right click on them to sell them back to the oversized toy-store from whence they came.

Explosive Balloons Click on any open area to deploy these explosive floaters. When the main destruction timer starts, these bad boys will float up until stopped by any building structure in their path. Then their individual timers expire, BOOM!!!. Balloons work best on compromised structures that have been weekend with lasers or monkeys. Don't try these as your only weapon against concrete/steel structures. Right click to deflate and sell these back. Careful with timers. When these balloons are let lose against small pieces of rubble, they can send pieces nearly into orbit, compromising your ability to get all destruction below the magic line before time runs out.

Bunny Wrecking Ball Click on any open area to set the path for these harbingers of doom. The balls are connected to a crane up above the scene and the dotted line shows their projected path. Feel free to drag the ball around to change the path as needed. Balls deployed to the left of center will swing in from the left (and vice versa). Timers indicate when the ball STARTS its journey (it always starts horizontal to it's anchor point way up high)...it may take a few seconds to swing down into view depending on placement. While these balls may slice through wooden structures like a hot knife through butter, sturdier materials and structures will cause them to bounce off like a bell clapper unless previously weakened by other devices. Combining multiple balls on a single level can cause destructive havok of unparalled proportions. Right click to remove from the level and regain your expense.

Screamer Click on any open area to deploy these noisy and expensive fellows. Note that they do not float and will fall/settle wherever gravity takes them. Whenever there timer expires, the emit about 3.5 seconds of destructive scream that will decimate structure around (and under) them. Extremely useful as a weakening tool, they can also be strategically placed and timed to clean up potential building structure that hangs above the line at the last second. Right click on them to remove.

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